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présentation d'un projet

Packers tricotés; patron de tricot

  A soft packer is a prosthetic made to look like a non-erect penis and is used to create a bulge in a person’s pants. Usually, most packers sold on the market are made out of silicone, which may not be an option for some, as it can sometimes be irritating, hot, sticky, heavy, expensive, etc. With this pattern, you can make your own packer and you can adjust the size, and the amount of stuffing to suit your needs. Overall, the materials can be found for more or less 15$, which makes it a great inexpensive alternative.

It is knit top-down (starts at the tip and finishes with testicles), no seaming, with an opening flap to allow stuffing and de-stuffing for washing the packer when needed. The opening is created with the afterthought method. The skills required to make this pattern includes: knits & purl, cast-on & bind-off, increasing & decreasing, working small circumferences in the round on circular needles with magic loop, knitting flat, short rows, putting stitches on a lifeline, picking up stitches.

Capture d’écran 2020-06-25 à 14.36.48.

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